Having skin problems? Tried so many different products in the market but nothing seems to work? Or have you bought so many skin care products – cleanser, toner, moisturizer, sun block, serums and etc - that it’s all annoyingly cluttered on your table top?
Well, the answer to all your problems can be found here :D
Just another regular product you say? I beg to differ. This is my personal anecdote after using this product for 1 month: At first, I was skeptical as well when my friend told me that this little bar can replace all my cleansers, toners, moisturizers and sunblock and give me better, if not flawless, skin.
How can that be? It is impossible, almost illogical I said. But then she said, “Since you have tried so many products (which don’t come cheap) and they don’t give you much result anyway, what’s the harm in trying one more?
“True, true,” I thought.
Previously, I have bought and tried so many “effective and remarkable products” which claims to do wonders for other people’s skin but never works with my skin. I was at a point when I was getting frustrated and losing faith in all skin care products out there. I even splurged more than RM2k on a facial course to try and rescue my problematic skin (oily, prone to breakouts, hypersensitive and pimples tend to leave scars/black spots after healing).
And so with that, I started my Eumora experience.
And oh my, I was blown away!
After the first use, my skin literally glowed! It hardly ever glows unless I go through the whole exfoliating, scrubbing, moisturizing and putting on masks regimen. But just 3 minutes of using Eumora and my skin glowed!! This is too good to be true! I stopped using the other skin care products and just used Eumora. Yup, not even toners and moisturizers and sun block :D
Within 2 weeks of using it, some bumps and pimples started to sprout across my forehead. I started to get worried but it turned out I shouldn’t. The pimples just kinda deflated and the bumps disappeared. I told my friend about this and she said that it is normal for pimples to grow as the product cleanses and detoxifies your skin from deep within the layers of skin. If no pimples or bumps appeared, it is either because your skin is 100% problem-free, or the product isn’t working for you (which I have never heard from any Eumora users before). People with relatively good skin will also have impurities hidden beneath the skin layers.
Eumora, unlike facial which cleanses and extracts impurites near the skin surface, cleanses from within the deep 5 layers of skin. So what is this product and what ingredients is it made out of? The article below is not written by me. I’m not good with all the technicalities anyway. Will leave it to the experts to explain :D Basically, Eumora contains two main ingredients which makes it so effective:
“HmA (MicroAlgae factor) is formulated from a world-renowned pharmaceutical patent by a European company, derived from microalgae cultivated in the Hawaiian fresh water lakes. It includes a component that is similar to the structure of hyaluronate 3D mesh structure, which aids in moisture absorption. HmA is an unique concentration of natural active ingredients, extracted from the essence of MicroAlgae. It is an effective hydrating agent and can help in strengthening the mechanisms of skin defense. It has deep and lasting moisturizing effects while strengthening the defense qualities of the skin barrier, thus giving extraordinary softness and brightness. In addition, HmA is rich in Vitamins B1, B2, B12 and niacin which can increase the skin's energy and protect the skin to stay away from all kinds of pressure. With its absolute compatibility with the skin, it doesn't irritate, and provides moisture for all types of skin in all climate.”
“Moor is a rare form of nutrient-rich peat created by the gradual transformation of herbs, plants & flowers which have been permanently submerged under water or underground. Free from the decaying effects of oxygen and in the correct climatic and biological conditions, the plant matter undergoes a ripening transformation process over thousands of years to produce a homogeneous dark substance called Moor.
During this ripening process, all the substances within the plants are retained in the Moor, resulting in a herbal complex with wonderful therapeutic properties. For the past 60 years, a wealth of clinical studies conducted on Moor therapy has confirmed that Moor does posses a wide range of beneficial properties. In fact, hundreds of European physicians now use and recommend Moor treatments.
Therapeutic Properties of Moor revealed from research conducted throughout
- Bio-Available (Easily absorbed by the body) The substances present are in colloidal and bivalent form, thus they are small enough to be easily absorbed by the system.
- Antiseptic The moor contains lignin and bitumen, both of which contains high proportions of phenol substances and these acts as natural antiseptic
- Detoxifying The high proportion of humic acid and other humus substances enables the moor to both draw and absorb toxic substances trapped in the tissues. Detoxification is widely recognized as an important component of health care maintenance and anti-aging.
- Anti-Inflammatory Moor has consistently been found to exert an anti-inflammatory effect on irritated or inflamed tissues.
- Ion-Exchanging The presence of humic acids also causes an exchange reaction in which harmful positive ions in the tissues are replaced by revitalizing negative ions present within the moor.
The Moor has been clinically tested and found to be naturally hypoallergenic and to be able to harmonize with and benefit any skin type, eliminating the need for many different types of creams.”
The problems which can be cured by Eumora are:
- Acne
- Antiaging Age Spots
- Birthmarks
- Cellulite
- Chemical Peel
- Dark Eye Rings
- Dry Skin
- Eczema
- Freckles
- Frown Lines
- Hair Loss
- Large Pore
- Melasma
- Nail Problems
- Oily Skin
- Pigmentation
- Scars
- Spider Veins
- Skin Growths
- Skin Cancers
- Skin Laxity
- Skin Rash
- Stretchmarks
- Sun Spots
- Sweaty Palms
- Sweaty Underarms
- Uneven Skin Tone
- Varicose Veins
- Wrinkles
It is so gentle that even babies can use it!
These are the before and after pics of Eumora users. Take note that their skin might not appear flawless like other ads (not photoshopped mah..hehe) but really has improved a great great deal!
And as for my mum, who had uneven patches and slight pigmentation, her skin became brighter and her pigmentation visibly lightened. Plus her skin has a radiant glow at all times now. I had to persuade her real hard to let me post her pic online for everyone to see ;p
She loved the product so much that she has become Eumora’s distributor! So if anyone is interested in this product, I can help you ask for a discount from her..hehe.
1 box (4 mini bars) = About 8 months use
1 mini bar = 2 month use
Interested buyers please email me (a.fashion.haven@gmail.com) for the price :)
*Beware of fake Eumora products out there! The stock we got is from licensed Eumora importers and has the seal of validity*